GPS Tracker provides real-time location of your children with exact date and time stamp.


GPS Tracking is now very easy with exact longitude and latitude details.


Get idea about the route followed by your children or employee with FREE GPS Tracker.

Location Tracker

Do you constantly worried about your kids hangout? Are they visiting any suspicious places without your permission? Or do you worried about your employees hangout? Then, get on to the SpyHuman. SpyHuman’s FREE GPS Tracker help you to track their real-time location with exact latitude and longitude data

Moreover, if you are a parent of teenager children then also it will also going to help you. Being a parent you should know whether you child is lying to you? Is he/she really going to school every day or hanging out with other useless guys? What are the places they are visiting frequently? Are they really in contact with some bad guys? GPS location tracker will help you to get answer of all these questions without being known by your children.

How the GPS Tracking Going to Help you?

  • Get the exact location of targeted phone with date and time

  • Get the details about the places frequently visited by your loved ones

  • Find the people who are witnessed an accident while hiking or skiing

  • It will really help to the rescuers team to find the injured and lost people.

Location Tracker | Android GPS Tracker | SpyHuman