Detalles del teléfono

El rastreador del teléfono rastrea todos los detalles del dispositivo objetivo de forma secreta sin que el usuario se de cuenta.

Almacenado del teléfono

Vea todo lo guardado en el teléfono y libere espacio con este rastreador de teléfonos móviles.

Apps instalados en el teléfono

El rastreador de Celulares le dará una lista de todas las aplicaciones instaladas en el dispositivo objetivo y cuáles son los apps más usados


Fotos e Imagénes

Vea y descargue todas las fotos guardadas en la memoria del celular.

Historial de Navegación

El rastreador de celular le mostrará todo el historial de navegación del celular, incluyendo los links.

Grabación en vivo

Grabe todos los sonidos cercanos al dispositivo de forma remota.

Explorador de archivos

Explore la memoria del celular y baje todos los archivos del dispositivo objetivo de forma remota.

Tomar fotos de forma remota

Vea todas las actividades en vivo del dispositivo objetivo con su opción de Foto remota.

Bloqueador de Apps

Este rastreador le permitirá bloquear cualquier app malicioso en el dispositivo objetivo.


¡Gracias SpyHuman! Ahora podré monitorear las actividades de mi hija las 24/7. Sin importar que esté en el trabajo o en casa.

Adam Devine California

Ya no me preocupo por los secretos que puedan salir de mi empresa ya que puedo monitorear lo que comparten mis empleados, estén en línea o no.

Christopher Campbell Minnesota

Esto es más que una solución de monitoreo, ya que igual me permite bloquear cualquier página sospechosa a la cual mi hijo pueda entrar. Dos pulgares arriba para SpyHuman.

Aviesha Stephens New York

Read all WhatsApp Chats

Nowadays, everyone is using smartphone whether they are adults or teenagers. They were spending many hours in a single day on various smartphone activities like Texting, Chatting, Calling, Web browsing, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. If you are concerned about your underage child’s these smartphone activities then get on to the SpyHuman’s FREE Phone Tracker now and monitor them remotely

The SpyHuman is an efficient tool that allows you to monitor your children’s online activity or your employee’s activities during working hours. SpyHuman application provides you to spy on personal or professional life’s activities associated with the targeted phone like

Facebook Hacker, Facebook Tracker, Facebook Spy, Spy On Text Messages, FREE Phone Tracker.

Being a parent, it is very important to get control over your children’s online activities like Facebook, WhatsApp etc. or being an employer you should know, how are your employees interacting with other people? Are they sharing sensitive information? Are they really working during working hour?

In the above cases, it is quite acceptable to spy on their social activities, especially on Facebook. The SpyHuman lets you get spy all the Facebook activities on the targeted phone with It’s Facebook tracker Feature. You can easily read all the Facebook conversations still if it gets deleted by your children or employees. Get full details with date & time and senders/receivers mobile numbers. Facebook tracker allow you to view the entire media share or save on the targeted phones like photos, videos, audios, and documents

How Useful Facebook tracker feature with Free Phone Tracker | SpyHuman?

  • Get the entire Facebook conversations

  • Get access over media sharing on Facebook like photos, videos, documents, and audios.

  • Get the full details of mobile numbers and name of people with whom your children have been chatting.

  • Get full control over your employee’s activities during working hour.

It is the Era of the smartphones. Not only a businessman but almost everybody were stuck with their smartphones. SMS tracker apps are great solutions, which allow you to view and access anything which is received or sent by the targeted phone. Being parents of teenager children you might get worried about their online and offline communications with wrong persons. You may want to know what they were sending and receiving? Or Being an employer you may want to know what your staff members were texting? Whether they were sharing sensitive information? The Solution of all these questions is the SpyHuman app.